Apr 5, 2011

A Nature Walk for W.W.

Welcome to White Wednesday

in the Garden

Not My Garden, I went to visit

My Sweet Lady that I use to take care of

this weekend, I walked around the

property (5 acres)

I was So Happy that I took My Camera

Lots of Lights & Whites




  1. Cheryl, my dear, what wonderful photos your have here. So, so glad that you got out and it wasn't cold and snowing there! Sure is so nice having you back on, and I know I have said that before, but when I look in my side bar and there you are with a new post- it just makes my day!
    Hugs to you- Tete
    PS let me know how much I need to send you for the things I picked out! I can get you a po money order so you can cash it in at the po!

  2. Great pictures! How fun to walk around 5 acres. And hey, there's no snow on the ground so how far off could Spring be, right? Right?
    In the mean time, keep warm,

  3. What a lovely spot - great shots of the birdhouse, steps and planters.

    Carolina Mountains

  4. Thank you Cheryl for the beautiful walk today. I needed to get out and see some beauty. Nobody better to do it with than you!!!!!
    sending hugs

  5. Cheryl
    What a beautiful nature post!!! So perfect for this time of year. Have a terrific week


  6. Nice post and interesting shots! It really feels good to check nature at times and see how the surroundings have changed.

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  7. It looks peaceful there-hope you had a nice visit. Are things looking up for you? Been thinking of you a lot and hope they are!

  8. Love the little birdhouse!

    Crafting by Candlelight

  9. Hi Cheryl...so glad you left a comment. Thank you for thinking of me.
    I hope things are going well for you.
    Your photos are so cool! I enjoyed going through them a few times...captures the feeling of Spring so well.
    LOVE your music!!!!!!!!
    Hugs to you my friend.


Thank you for visiting... Have a Happy & Creative day ~ Cheryl