Dec 7, 2011

Creating Claus ~

Warning, there is Lots
of Photos....

Here is the Santa Claus
I started working on last week...
a few new faces waiting to dry & then
I made these stands for dolls, see the
start of the Chimney in the center
Ready to make the Bricks
lots & lots of Bricks

sanding each brick, what a dust storm...
(I think I should wear a dust mask next time)
Can you believe I ran out of bricks & had to make more
Santa's head drying & some other base heads

I Love Chobani Pineapple & of course
a nice cold Coca Cola
The Chimney took forever, having to wait
for each side to dry before moving on
to the next
starting the body base
black leather mittens
with wired fingers inside
Santa is starting to take shape

Red Wool for Santa's coat

Santa is just a half body to fit in the
top of the Chimney
still need to add another layer of the snow glitter
I am still working on
Santa's Sack of Toys....
I hope to be done tonight
so I can list him in
My Etsy Shop

Still without a computer,
but as you see I am getting
Lots done ~

Wishing You All
Joy as you ready yourselves
for the
Christmas Season,
Decorating & Visiting

Back Soon
(I Hope)


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Thank you for visiting... Have a Happy & Creative day ~ Cheryl